Friday, August 9, 2013

Hollow Heart

That's what it feels like.

I guess when you decide to do something, and you're going to give it your all, it's bound to hurt a heck of a lot when it ends. 

Where the real challenge comes in, I'm starting to discover, is when it ends; don't fill the hollowness with bitterness. Give it time, as long as it needs. Fill it with joy, love, laughter and the newly found appreciation of yourself. 

Did I love him? I was definitely starting to! What I did do, was give him my heart, all of it, along with a signed permission slip to break it at will. Some might call that silly, but I guess you never know until you try. And that kind of trying, prevents the 'shoulda, woulda, coulda' kind of thinking. 

I gave it my all, and it wasn't good enough. And that's ok. I'm probably better off, anyways. 
(Though it definitely doesn't seem like it now, and the 'missing you' playlist I have is borderline being abused!)

Ever onward! Ever upward!

Monday, July 29, 2013

The quiet moments...

They're what I live for. That moment when in a tangled mess of limbs, long messy hair and bare skin touching, you realize that it is inconceivable that anyone could be comfortable in that position, for very long.  

Except me, and except you. 

Because I can feel the heat of your skin, hear the beat of your heart and if I tilt my head just a little, can see the corner of your mouth lifted in a soft smile. 

Because you can feel the heat of my skin, and the beat of my heart and if you tilt your head just a little, you see my smiling eyes peeking up at you. 

And we know, that numb limbs are inevitable, but missing out on the opportunity to be this close is what is really inconceivable. 

So we stay, and remain still in those moments, hours, days. Relishing the quiet, the closeness, and the peace. 

My moments spent with you.